Monday, April 7, 2008

Winging It - Welcome return of the pelagic issue

Bill Maynard, editor of the American Bird Association (ABA) newsletter Winging It has wisely reinstated the annual 'pelagic' issue (Feb 2008). Besides the 14 pages dedicated to detailed listings of pelagic birding trips in ABA region waters (USA, Canada and Mexico) there are three overview articles.

Brian Patteson "Pelagic Birding off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina." Winging It 20(1):1-5.

Brian provides an update on the year-round pelagic birding off the Outer Banks of North Carolina, highlighting the remarkable diversity of birds and continued mysteries.

W. Terry Hunfeld "Deep Water Seabirding: The Final Frontier." Winging It 20(1):6-7.

The use of 'live-aboard' vessels such as the 'Searcher' have made it easier for Californian birders to explore the deep waters west or southwest of San Diego. Regional and national rarities are found on most trips and there is a strong possibility major new discoveries.

Brad Benter "It Was So Unbelievable, You Almost Wouldn't Believe It!" Winging It 20(1):9.

An personnal account of seeing several Short-tailed Albatross in the waters around the Ingenstrem Rocks (52.64, 174.52) near Shemya Island in the Aleutians.

The pelagic directory and Brian's article are available for download as PDFs from the Winging It archive. The availability of the former will be very useful to birders from other countries that might be planning to visit the ABA area and hoping to book themselves on an offshore trip.

Welcome back 'pelagic issue'!

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